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Ubiquiti NanoBridge M Airmax NBM365 (2 Pack) 3.65GHz 22dBi complete system, Hi-Performance Long Range & Cost-Effective MIMO Bridging, Completely Integrated CPE in the Feed of the Antenna, 100+Mbps real outdoor throughput and up to 30km+ range.
Featuring a dish reflector design and dual-polarity performance, the NanoBridge®M is Ubiquiti Networks’ pioneering all-in-one design for an airMAX® CPE.
The NBM365 NanoBridge M airMax Bridge has a real outdoor throughput of 150+ Mbps and can reach a distance of over 18 miles for long-range performance.
Ubiquiti NanoBridge M Airmax NBM365 (2 Pack) 3.65GHz 22dBi complete system, Hi-Performance Long Range & Cost-Effective MIMO Bridging, Completely Integrated CPE in the Feed of the Antenna, 100+Mbps real outdoor throughput and up to 30km+ range.
Featuring a dish reflector design and dual-polarity performance, the NanoBridge®M is Ubiquiti Networks’ pioneering all-in-one design for an airMAX® CPE.
The NBM365 NanoBridge M airMax Bridge has a real outdoor throughput of 150+ Mbps and can reach a distance of over 18 miles for long-range performance.
NanoBridge M NBM365 featuring a dish reflector design and dual-polarity performance 3.65GHz 22dBi. Ubiquiti Networks pioneering all-in-one design for an airMAX Bridge CPE. (Included 2 Units)
Ubiquiti s revolutionary InnerFeed technology integrates the entire radio system into the feedhorn of an antenna.
Long-Range Links: 50+ km With its high-gain reflector, the NanoBridge M provides high performance at a range of up to 50+ km.
Maximum RF Performance Ubiquiti’s InnerFeed technology seamlessly combines the radio and reflector feed for maximum RF performance.
The NanoBridge combines Ubiquiti’s InnerFeed and airMAX technologies to create a simple, yet powerful wireless unit capable of up to 100+ Mbps real outdoor throughput and up to 30+ km range.
Using InnerFeed technology, the bridge features a radio integrated into the antenna’s feedhorn, eliminating cable losses and improving the bridge’s wireless signal. AirMax protocol minimizes hidden node collisions and maximizes airtime efficiency by allowing an intelligent AP controller to schedule time slots for each client to send and receive data. Additionally, voice and video signals are given priority, enabling seamless streaming.